Going to the gym we either see people staring at others because they just ling to the treadmill for their dear life or don’t keep the weights back in place. Well, that’s not the only two silent gym etiquette. Here are few more that you need to know if you are planning to head to the gym and not get stared at.

1. Don’t hog the equipment

Don’t hog the equipment

Don’t hog the equipment

Some people are rather obsessed with this act but still let me tell you, it is simply rude to hog equipment in your gym. There are many people waiting to use this machine and hence, you should discontinue this bad habit of yours.


2. Don’t touch people with sweaty hands

Don’t touch people with sweaty hands

Don’t touch people with sweaty hands

You should stop touching people with your sweaty hands. In fact, avoid getting close to people in your gym clothes that is socked in sweat. Get your towel, soak your body and move out of gym silently.


3. Don’t grunt

Don’t grunting

Don’t grunting

I have heard many stories about people who they keep grunting about themselves just because they want to prove that they are working harder than their friends. Calm down and work.


4. Not socialize

Not socialize

Not socialize

While working out, you should focus on your workout more rather than socializing with your friends in the area. While you are talking to your friend, it becomes difficult to concentrate on your workout.


5. Carry your equipment


Carry your equipment

One of the most important gym etiquette is you should carry your own water bottle, weights, towels, and headphone. Lending often in the gym is not appreciated always.


6. Should not text

Should not text or call

Should not text or call

You should not text or call while you are running on a treadmill. If you want to message or email someone, feel free to go to locker room to perform such functions.


7. Wear your shirts

Wear your shirts

Wear your shirts

We have seen many men who love to roam around nude in the gym with just a short boxer and towel around their neck. Girls being modest these days would love you to sweat in shirts and not naked.


8. Clean your machine


Clean your machine

In most of the gyms this is not taken seriously but please try to understand that it is very important to clean your machine before you use them up. Take 10 minutes to clean up your machines and especially the place where you keep your hands.


9. Don’t talk louder

Don’t talk louder

Don’t talk louder

No matter what, you should keep your volume in control while you are attending your gym classes. Even if you love talking to the person cycling beside you, the truth is no one is actually interested in listening to your boring stories.


10. Return the weights

Return the weights

Return the weights

You should return the weights when you see someone waiting to use them. I have seen so many people who grab the weights and spend hours with them whether they are seriously using it or not.


Author: Rima Chaudhry

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