Kiwi on Pizza Reminds Us of These Pineapple-On-Pizza Memes

You know how they keep foisting new and awful food combinations upon the unsuspecting world from time to time? Well someone dreamed up yet another sweet-savoury abomination combination: kiwi on pizza. As though the crime of putting pineapple on pizza wasn’t heinous enough, someone thought up this --- and it reminded me of all these pineapple-on-pizza memes as well:

The kiwi pizza

Expectedly, most of the tweeple expressed their horror at the very notion of putting kiwi on pizza. Some called it heresy, some issued restraining orders and so on.

An affront

While some thought it was a good idea and even offered firsthand accounts on the desirability of kiwi on pizza, most had negative reactions. “You’re playing with forces you can’t understand,” said someone .

Reminded me of this

Some people like pineapple on their pizza. Pizza restaurants usually call it by the rather refined name of Hawaiian pizza.  

The brain that dreamed up this idea

There are those who believe that pineapple pizza lovers are a different species than other human beings.


With so many other lovely topping options: cheese, various meats, onions, mushrooms, peppers --- why pineapple?

It’s a monstrous idea

This guy agrees. Celebrity chef Gordon Ramsay should know what he's talking about.

The pineapple pizza

It is a dreadful sweet-savoury combination --- a relationship that is doomed from the start.

Only one way to eat pineapple pizza

This way

OK, two

Make sure every last shred of pineapple has been removed --- the pizza is then safe for consumption.

But some love it!

They not only tolerate pineapple on pizza, they love it!

Social media campaign?

There are those who believe that the unreasonable hatred for pineapple on pizza is just a product of social media.


So while the world was arguing about pineapple and kiwi on pizza, something even more gruesome was being dreamed up by someone who is clearly the minion of Satan: banana on pizza! Good luck trying to keep down your lunch.

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