Do You Think Only You Have These Strange Quirks?

We are all quirky individuals with our own strange little habits and preferences. For instance, I always have to wear my right shoe first and I always start brushing my teeth from the left side. Plenty of people do the same apparently!

We look back at the place that tripped us

We want to know what tripped us up. Perhaps we want to accuse the offending object and demand an explanation of the thing that tripped us up?


I cannot have the volume at 3, 7, 13, 19, 23 etc. or leave a book at those page numbers. So basically I don’t seem to like prime numbers (though I don’t mind 5 much). Apparently there is a name for this – Primonumerophobia.

Lowering the volume in a traffic jam

..Or when reversing the car. Shutting the music or lowering the volume is only natural. We want to concentrate on the traffic!

Reading signboards

Many of us read signboards; some of us do so aloud and some of those do it with emotion: questioning, disbelieving, amused, amazed etc. Me, I look for spelling errors and mistakes of grammar and syntax. Arbia instead of Arabia, Sharma instead of Shawarma, Amlet instead of omelette, lally pup instead of lolly pop… too many here!

Read something, anything

If I am somewhere without my phone or a book I will read anything in reach: old newspaper, water dispenser instructions, operating manual, notice board, first aid instructions, food cartons, cosmetic packaging… anything.

I sometimes stop reading a book

…Because it is that good and I want to savour it and I don’t want it to get over too fast.

Cannot pass by an open cupboard or drawer

An open cupboard or wardrobe is very troubling. A half-open drawer or a drawer with something sticking out of it is as disturbing. I have to stop to set it right, even if I am in a hurry.

Movies trouble me too

If a character left the main door or the fridge door open or the tap running in a scene I feel awfully agitated. I also want the character to finish their meal, park their car properly and lock it. Don't you?

Do you have something interesting you would like to share? Write to us at [email protected]