We all love to show off those expensive brands and designer clothes that we bought after making a huge hole in our pockets. But if you are in Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai or Kolkata resident you will be left with a feeling of waste. Why, you ask? Here are some of the reasons

There is a first copy everywhere

Have you ever witnessed people flaunting a Louis Vuitton bag and a Lacoste T-shirt in an unlikely place? Well, they are fake! I am not joking because if you look at it closely, it’s probably Lois Vutton and Lacaste. So, do you want to throw your Lacoste out of your wardrobe?


Street markets offer the latest trends

Ask any metro dweller about the pros of street shopping and their list won’t end. In that list, one thing they will mention again and again is the trendy clothes. Every street market offers you some really amazing clothes that you might not have seen in your branded stores. Come on, stop envying!


Buy 5 for the price of 1

The amount you spend on buying one dress in a branded store is the exact same amount that can fill your wardrobe with 5 dresses if you go for street shopping in Delhi. So, why waste the money?


Fake claims of durability

The clothes you buy from these street shops might stay with you for more time than those branded clothes. Well, I am not saying that branded clothes aren’t durable but all I am saying is that street clothes are durable as well.


Author’s Name – Kritika Sharma

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