Your Nail Shape Says A Lot About You

Oval Shaped

Those who have oval shaped nails are basically strong ones. They have a pretty straight forward approach towards life and people, and don’t like to beat around the bush.

Almond Shaped

A person having such nails is usually a polite one, but with a dark side as they have a very low tolerance and tend to be quite short tempered at times. But mostly, they are quite a sweetheart!

Square Shaped

People with square shaped nails usually have a strong determination. Your chain of thoughts follow one path only and though it is great to be someone who is disciplined, you can do well with being a bit flexible at times.

Triangle Shaped

Those with pointed nails have a keen eye for detail, and they observe the minutest of things. One downside of such a person is that they are over sensitive and get offended very easily.

Round Shaped

People with round shaped nails are usually the happy ones. They enjoy doing things in a unique way. They rarely go with what the majority is doing.

Squoval (square-oval) Shaped

Such people do not experiment much and are simple and elegant. Their manicure matches with their style and accessories.

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