This video is a commercial made by Honda to showcase the Honda Accord. It is a two minute video that shows Honda Accord parts interacting with each other similar to a Rube Goldberg machine. Watch the video and then imagine the precision that the creators would have had to achieve in order to get the perfect shot.

Here are some staggering stats around this. It took 606 takes to get to this one ad finished. There are no graphics in this shot. Each part shown in the video is an actual car part. It is literally a video recording of the entire thing happening live and in one go. The total cost of making this video was $1 Million, but then the marketing plan around this video was that of $6 Million.The video was made in 2003, and it received both critical and commercial acclaim. In 2003 it held the record for the most awards won by any single commercial.

This is a must watch.