Why Albert Einstein Is Still the Man for All Generations

Every now and then, the world witnesses the emergence of a great personality; who became famous and remained in the collective memory because of their intellect, wisdom, far sightedness, talent or wit. Albert Einstein was one such person; someone who’s name has become synonymous with intelligence. He wasn’t just a scientist; he was one of the most intelligent people who ever lived, a great thinker and someone whom we look back upon with admiration for his wisdom and clarity of thought, even though he died over 70 years ago. On his birth anniversary, we look at why the man and his thoughts are still relevant today:

He overcame his own limitations

As a child he spoke very late, causing his parents to consult a doctor. He was also expelled from school and his headmaster was of the view that he would never amount to very much.

He drew this important distinction

In his field he was more successful than others could even dream of; however Einstein drew the distinction between adding value and merely being successful.

The importance of curiosity

He told us about the restrictive nature of formal education and the importance of curiosity and a questioning nature when he said 'it’s a miracle curiosity survives formal education'. His words tell us the importance of continuing to be questioning and challenging and to continue to learn throughout life.

He told us that everyone is unique

We all have very different abilities… parents pressuring their children to succeed, would do well to remember this wise man's words.

His views on Gandhi

He famously said about Mahatma Gandhi, that generations to come will scarce believe that such a man as this one ever in flesh and blood walked upon this earth. He had the humility to see the greatness of others and wisdom to accept the lofty thoughts of others.

He was prescient

How did he predict this…that we would become a generation of idiots immersed in our gadgets, becoming socially inept and clueless about real relationships!

Life lessons for everyone

There are of course, quotes that are inaccurately credited to Einstein; but we do know that this was a man full of insight. His thoughts on life, his wit and wisdom are as relevant today as they were when he first articulated them.

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