When the Privileged Complain – About Their ‘First World Problems’

Not too long ago, we read about the ‘poverty’ of Anil Ambani, the scion of India’s biggest business house and the brother of Asia’s richest man. When he told a UK court about being a ‘simple man’ his idea of simplicity was very different from what we understand as simplicity. This is very much a case of first world problems. These are ‘problems’ that most of us would not consider problems at all. Check out these #FirstWorldProblems:

Anil Ambani’s first world problems

Apparently he owes his mother Rs. 500 crore and owes Rs. 310 crore to his son. He owns ‘nothing meaningful’, uses just one car at present and has (sob) never owned a Rolls Royce.

Remember this?

A couple of years ago, Ranveer Singh spoke about his family not having a ‘lot of money’ and making just one big trip aboard. This would have been in the 90s when most people could only dream of travelling abroad. Clearly, he didn’t have much of an idea about what constitutes a lot of money.

When Indians go abroad

They have problems too! So what if they were able to afford to go abroad and now have a first world lifestyle.

Big house problem

How terrible! One has such a big house, one needs lots of furniture, lots of light fixtures, high electricity bills and worst of all, the need for two Wi-Fi routers!

So many non-problems

Firstly, this person is employed. Secondly they can afford to eat out. There is more than one option for this located conveniently close. First world problems much?

Some Indians have this problem

Many of us are so used to the house help doing everything for us that we don’t know how to look after our basic cleaning and hygiene.

Not enough luxury

You have a car. It is plush enough to have leather seats. However on the three days of the year when it may be appreciated, you miss heated seats.

When social media is down

You know how people react when Instagram gets an unwanted update, Gmail changes its logo, or Twitter is down?

The most trivial of things

Tolerance, patience and the ability to adjust are in short supply where there is over-abundance – like having a walk-in closet that is too small. Yes, say it with me – first world problems!

More first world problems

These are the ‘problems’ that would make most people on earth go I’ll trade your problems for mine any day. First world problems are those that just a small dose of poverty will cure --- instantly!

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