Trump’s GOT Poster & Some Hilarious Reactions to It

The sharp eyes of the Tweeple miss nothing! At a recent cabinet meeting of Donald Trump, a poster, seemingly inspired by Game of Thrones caught the eye even as it lay innocently on a table doing nothing at all. Then then of course, there were all sorts of reactions to this. Check out the poster and Twitter reactions to it:


At a cabinet meeting a rather eye-catching table prop caught the eye. It featured a somber, purposeful looking Trump, with the words “SANCTIONS ARE COMING NOVEMBER 4”. The styling, font, wording is all clearly reminiscent of GOT and its winter is coming refrain.

HBO’s reaction

The TV channel that produces the GOT series had this quick, tongue in cheek response. Dothraki refers to the wild warrior clan featured in the series.People hotly debated whether the poster constituted trademark/copyright infringement and the concept of fair use when HBO was clearly just making a joke.  

“TV production”

The optics of any event matter hugely to Trump. The fact that the poster was just there, without it being mentioned or discussed at the meeting seems to underline this fact.

Some were just puzzled

What was the poster there! What was it supposed to indicate! Why, why, why, wondered many on Twitter.

Good point!

This Twitter comment makes a good point: Trump as shown himself to be obsessed about building a wall along the southern US borer to keep out illegal immigrants. GOT has demonstrated that walls may not be that useful in keeping people out!

Not best pleased

One twitter user invoked the iconic ‘walk of shame’ scene from GOT – not too sure whether they were trying to shame Trump or the makers of GOT, however.


One tweet juxtaposed these two images and another tweet clarified: “What Joffrey would look like if he lived but never matured.”

Alternative interpretation

Twitter verse is not known for being kind. Being vicious comes easier to the tweeple and they have a long memory when it comes to what Trump said in the past.


With as many as 17 ongoing investigations into Trump’s election misconduct, his businesses and the Russian collusion, Special Counsel Robert Mueller seems to be snapping ever-closer at Trump’s heels.


Former Trump associates continue to flip on him; some now being handed reduced jail time in return of their testimony. It seems that Trump himself is closer than ever to being indicted.

Alternative poster

This twitter user thought that Dumb and Dumber was more appropriate than GOT; this poster seems to be an allusion to the ongoing Trump-Kim Jong-un bromance.

Par for the course

Meanwhile, a significant proportion of Americans continue to be either embarrassed, ashamed or horrified (or all three) about the man they are forced to call president.

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