This Guy Conducted a Girlfriend Test – What Was He THINKING!

One tweet managed to really rile up a lot of people. It was tweeted by a guy who clearly is rather out of touch with concepts such as modern reality, gender equality; even with some fairly-basic common human decency and guest etiquette. So, here is what he said and then what others said in response:

The girlfriend test

So this guy invited a girl over for the first time. He was ‘disappointed’ when she left without washing the dishes ‘let alone cleaning’. He was checking whether she was ‘wife material’.

Just to be clear

He clarifies via another tweet that he deliberately messed up his kitchen and that he isn’t the ‘filthiest’ or untidy. He did it only because this was a girlfriend test; everyone is meant to ‘chill now’.

More wisdom

This was one of the replies to the ‘girlfriend test’ tweet – apparently women are ‘lazy’ because they don’t clean up after random men in their houses.

“Nothing less sexy”

This tweet clarified something that the original tweeter was just to dim to grasp: cleaning is not a woman’s job; it is every adult’s job. Every individual should know how to clean up after themselves – it’s a fairly simple concept, but may actually elude the common or garden variety of primitive male who expects to be waited on hand and foot.

What about the boyfriend test?

This tweet suggested an alternative that fits into the narrative of those who may be content to live within prescribed gender roles and archaic mindsets: if he expects her to clean, surely she should expect him to pay all the bills? After all, stereotypes should work both ways!


Of course ‘it’s her responsibility to clean up’ said this tweet. And just in case the sarcasm of the tweet wasn’t clear, the term ‘man baby’ makes things unambiguous.


This tweet wanted to know whether this guy had hired a cleaner...because to expect a guest in one's house to wash and clean up is rather unreasonable!

Mom test

This tweet thought that if there were a mom test, the mom would be very angry at the mess! This guy also wanted to know “Where's the thread where she's revealing how your embarrassing, grimy cave failed her boyfriend test?”

Dodged a bullet!

This one clearly thinks that the would-be girlfriend has had a lucky escape! I certainly agree. 


This woman helpfully offered the guy a brain; which he clearly lacked or had mislaid.


The guy now complains about being single because someone showed his original tweet to his girlfriend who proceeded to dump him. I supposed someone would have to explain to this guy that if one is stupid enough to have some archaic beliefs about gender, it is best not to declare them to the world via a public tweet!


This one was very pithy – making it clear that with a mindset and notions such as these, this guy is likely to remain single for a very long time!

Is this guy for real?

After receiving some well-deserved flack for his quaint and antiquated beliefs, this is what he tweeted. This is so stupid and offensive that I feel like giving this guy the benefit of the doubt….maybe he is actually poking fun at the guys who really feel like this? Can anyone be that stupid and announce it so unhesitatingly to the world?

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