Surviving COVID at 97 and Other Positive Stories

Over one hundred million people have been infected with the novel coronal virus or COVID19 over the past year or so. About two million of those infected people died. Most of us have lost a loved one or know someone who has lost a loved one. There have been numerous stories of struggle and of losing that struggle in the end. However there have also been positive stories that emerged from the pandemic; of winning the battle against tremendous odds.

This incredible survivor

She survived the Nazi concentration camp of Auschwitz during World War II. And now, at age 97 she contracted and recovered from COVID. Not only did she recover, she is now well enough to go for a walk as her great grandson said on Twitter. That is the kind of survival story we need right now – about this woman who escaped a place that was literally designed for her death and now a pandemic that is most dangerous for older people.

Back home after 306 days in hospital

Geoffrey Woolf contracted COVID and collapsed in March last year, after which he was rushed to hospital. The virus had caused brain damage and paralysis on one side of his body. His condition was so serious that his sons were called in to say their fond farewells at one point. However, he then made an amazing recovery after that. He was able to leave ICU and after a long, long recovery, left hospital after almost a year.

Miracle baby

Little Kasen had Biliary Atresia which caused blockages in his liver and gallbladder soon after his birth. Doctors decided that the little baby needed a liver transplant to survive. In November of last year, Kasen developed a fever which was found to be caused by COVID. The mother and other family members also tested positive however incredibly, they all pulled through even Kasen, with his weakened system. And then there was another miracle: a liver transplant finally became possible. On 14th January little Kasen turned 1 – after surviving the coronavirus and a liver transplant!

Death all around

Elizabeth was 49 and very ill with the coronavirus. She was admitted to hospital and suffered terrible pain, high fever and pneumonia. All around her, there were patients who kept dying and being taken away. She watched helpless family members watching their loved ones die; not sure if she herself was alive or dead at times. Her recovery has been long and painful but she feels lucky to be alive. She feels she’s been given a second chance in life and wants to truly appreciate the world around.

Testing positive a day before delivery

Nigyritto, aged 32, a nurse at Delhi’s Fortis hospital was pregnant. She decided to go on early maternity leave and also got tested for COVID just as a precautionary measure. To her amazement and shock she tested positive. The next day she went into labour however her new born baby tested negative for the virus. For two weeks she was in isolation away from her new born baby. Thankfully for her, Nigyritto made a full recovery and is now enjoying being a mother to her little baby.

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