People Schooled Donald Trump about Climate Change and It Was Hilarious

The current president of the United States is famous for making many astonishing claims; among them being the pronouncement that climate change is a hoax manufactured by China. Donald Trump is arguably the most famous climate change denier in the world and repeatedly uses any event of extremely cold weather to justify his belief. He did it yet again and people decided to explain a few basic concepts to him:

The Donald decided to be facetious

“…Global Waming (sic)? Please come back fast, we need you!” He said this in a tweet referencing extremely cold weather. Trump’s flawed understanding of climate change repeatedly causes him to present any instance of extreme cold as incontrovertible proof that global warming does not exist.

Many came out in support

It isn’t by accident that Trump became president. There are many out there who support him as well as his beliefs and theories; even the stupidest and most offensive.

Some were gentle with their explanations

This person took the trouble to explain that ‘global warming’ is a term used to explain a phenomenon for all extreme weather events; hot as well as cold. Others explained how rising sea temperatures and levels, melting polar icecaps can result in very extreme weather, natural calamities and more. 

Others were less charitable

This commentator's frustration with Trump’s cussed refusal to see the facts for what they are, is evident.

This analogy

One Twitter user used this rather savage analogy to explain climate change to the POTUS. He was ostensibly explaining how climate and weather are two different phenomena; while ridiculing Trump's carefully coifed comb-over. 

This explanation

Climate change deniers typically present the ‘here and now’ argument to disprove a theory that most scientists agree upon.

The gif explanation

This commentator also tried to explain that denying climate change is like saying, World hunger is over because I just ate.

Because science!

Others tried to use simple analogies to try and explain science to the Donald.

He just doesn’t get it

The concept of climate change has been explained to Trump numerous times; but he has obstinately refused to understand it. For someone who thinks of himself as a “stable genius” and as having “very high levels of intelligence”, this is a little odd.

Many suggested books

This commentator suggested reading a science book. Another suggested any book at all. Yet another suggested an audio book in view of Trump's famous antipathy to reading of any sort.

The frustration was obvious

While some appealed to God to save America, some of the Tweeple described the POTUS’s tweet as “weapons grade buffoonery”, and the POTUS variously as an “ass clown” and “staggering moron”.

The reason he doesn’t get it

The truth is that climate change denial is a deliberate ploy to further political agendas and reduce spending on the environment; an excuse to get out of climate agreements to curb emissions.

Global what??

There were many who could not help but notice that the POTUS had made yet another of his many and famous typos in this tweet as well (he typed ‘waming’ instead of ‘warming’). One commentator conceded that “Global Waming is a Hoax!” indeed but that “Global Warming” isn’t.

This suggestion

This twitter user gently suggested turning on auto correct; even taking the trouble of posting a video of how to do it.

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