Masks Still Best Defence against COVID 19 as Doctors and the Police Tell Us

Right now, with the second wave of COVID 19 revealing the real virulence of the disease, many of us have started to take it seriously for the first time. There is no strict lockdown in most places, but the streets are deserted nevertheless. People are using masks when outdoors not just because they are being told to, but out of simple self-preservation.

This heartrending appeal

Doctors and other health professionals have harrowing stories to tell about the second wave of the coronavirus pandemic: a horrible disease to experience and one that is destroying lives and families. This post from an anesthesiology resident, a doctor seems to have touched people and gone viral.

“Just wear your mask”

While people are out there doing their jobs healing others and providing essential services, most of us have the simplest job possible: staying home and wearing a mask when outside.

The correct way

It bears repeating that how we wear our masks is as important as whether or not we wear it. Wearing it below the mouth with the nose hanging out is meaningless. The Mumbai police, often seen to use trendy or topical themes for their messaging demonstrated the right way to wear a mask using Magneto from X Men.

Appeals to follow protocols

We are now taking precautions because we are all anxious and scared about the disease attacking us or our loved ones. Remember, everyone has loved ones – even those who are taking care of the sick.

The right way

…And the wrong way. We should also do this with others in mind: those who are working tirelessly and selflessly – often at great risk and cost to themselves.

Still the best defence

It is in some ways scary that proper use of masks is still one of the best defences to the coronavirus. However, it is also reassuring that masks are at least one effective means we have of protecting ourselves.

Protects both

Wearing a mask properly protects the wearer as well as others around. Even those who have had the vaccine or the infection can protect others by wearing the mask.

This suggestion

Recent research has suggested (and this is backed up by anecdotal evidence based on the personal experience of many people) that two masks are more effective than one against the virus. It is recommended that a cloth mask plus a surgical mask be used when going out.

Kids can do it, so can we

It’s true that masks can be hot and uncomfortable to wear. But if kids can be made to understand their importance, surely we can as well. Anti-maskers are a misguided lot – let us not be counted in their number. Wearing a mask is easy – the tough jobs are done by those frontline professionals out there.

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