It Rained in Dubai and It’s Raining Memes Here

Dubai is known for its arid topography and dry climate, so rain is an oddity indeed! Here when it rains people are surprised and delighted, especially when it rains this time of the year. In a place that on an average has only about five days of rain in a year and receives most of its rain in and around February, rain in July is very unusual!

Strong winds and rain

It started with a dust storm and then strong winds before the rain started and enveloped many parts of Dubai.

It’s unusual

The raining money thing? Ho hum! A bit of a cliché in Dubai… actual rain is much rarer!

Rain in Dubai

Rain in Dubai is so unusual that many posted their videos and updates on social media expressing their delight and /or amazement.

People were surprised…

…But also presumably happy at this unusual occurrence!

Rain in Dubai

But none in England? What a role reversal!

Maybe it was the Brits!

This one also refers to the fact that the UAE consists mostly of expats and that the British are a significant Diaspora here.

Woman injured but no other major accidents

According to reports, the rains caused over 250 minor accidents in and around the area. One woman was injured when a tree fell on a house. However, other than this, there were no major incidents or injuries reported.


…If people have umbrellas in Dubai they are mostly meant to protect against the relentless sun. using them for the rain is unusual indeed!

People were surprised indeed!

In a place that receives only about 5 days of rain a year, it is rather amazing each time it rains.

Welcome rain!

The Dubai summer is well known for being brutal. The rain had to have been a blessed relief for everyone!

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