Google and Facebook are Watching and Listening to Everything – And It’s Scary!

It’s all about the ads

The information collected by these invisible trackers enables Google and Facebook to show us not just targeted by hyper-targeted ads. They do it very accurately and much better than the competition. As a result, Facebook and Google have cornered 63% of the market on digital advertising; a 73% growth in 2017. The two companies pretty much have a stranglehold on the digital advertising space; an advertising duopoly that no other entity can come close to. 

Privacy is not the only casualty

When we give certain permissions to Google and Facebook, we aren’t just signing away our privacy rights for the dubious benefit of easy buying access to the things we want; we are also becoming trapped in our own echo chambers. You see what Google and Facebook want you to see; based on what they think you are most likely to click on. This is resulting in increased social polarization; an unintended but highly negative result of the way their algorithms work. 

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