Did Hillary Clinton Troll Donald Trump? It Seems She Did!

Donald Trump defeated Hillary Clinton in the US presidential race to claim the spot of the world’s most powerful leader. And yet he seems to be smarting at the fact that Clinton actually won the popular vote. Since then, Trump has never missed any opportunity to denigrate Clinton and level various accusations at her. Hillary Clinton had this to say:

The Mean Girls reference

The woman often accused of not having much of a sense of humour had this snarky comment to make: a reference to a popular teen comedy film.

A response to this?

Hillary Clinton's tweet appeared to be a response to this tweet from Trump.

People loved it!

There are many in the US who are still horrified that Donald Trump was voted to power and still think wistfully about how things could have been.


Many of the Tweeple thought that the wordless tweet with the exceedingly appropriate gif was hilarious!

Does it still hurt?

Trump has repeatedly tried to discredit the results of the presidential election where Clinton won the popular vote by over 3 million votes. It clearly still rankles, feels this Twitter user.

This observation

Donald Trump is known for his Twitter obsession but not perhaps for his high IQ (even though he has used ‘stable genius’ and other undeserved complementary epithets for himself). it is not unreasonable to expect that tweeting gifs would be difficult for him to figure out.

This would probably happen

It is well known that Trump doesn’t like to read; and that his briefings are deliberately kept short and simple.

The *orange reference

This could refer to one of several things: firstly it could be the fact that Donald Trump is known variously as the Orange Cheeto, Agent Orange, His Orangeness etc. because of his peculiar fake tan. Or this could refer to the fact that there are several investigations that Trump is currently facing; which could land him in jail – ergo the orange jumpsuit.

Thinking along those lines

Many people feel that Trump should be very, very worried about the ongoing investigations and the serious charges leveled against him.

To be clear

This twitter user helpfully morphed faces on to the image so there could be no doubt about who said what to whom


As this tweet points out, Clinton got the better of Trump not only in the popular vote, but also in the Twitter war. Her tweet received more than double the number of retweets and likes as Trump's tweet.

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