As Android Alphabets Come To An End, Google Introduces Fuchsia

A combination of colours pink and purple welcomes the new Google operating system Fuchsia. Based on the concept of 'Internet of Things' this new OS can operate on anything from your car's dashboard to your smartphones. 

So what it is for?

To start with, this operating system is different from both Android and Chrome. It runs on 'Magenta', a core code that is suited to run on different devices, connecting them to each other via 'Internet of Things'. 

Coming on Raspberry Pi 3

This new operating system will first be launched on Raspberry Pi 3. As stated, the OS will be able to run on anything right from car infotainment systems, to embedded devices like traffic lights and digital watches and of course the smartphones, tablets and PCs. 

Targeted for low power devices

Going by the theories, the Fuschia operating system is here to replace or perhaps we should say, unify both Chrome and Android OS. It aims at small low power devices like smartwatches and helps to run it with better efficiency. 

So is this an end to Android versions?

The answer is perhaps yes. Although, the new operating system, Fuschia is still in development stage and far from a launch date. So, we can actually get a few more Android KitKat and Eclairs inbetween. But for the long run, it looks like the alphabet count of Android versions have come to an end. 

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