Almost Two Years into the Pandemic, Covidiots Are Still All around Us

Among other things, the coronavirus taught us a bunch of new words such Quarantini, Moronavirus and of course Covidiot. We were also introduced to brave new breeds such as the anti-vaxxers and the anti-maskers. Now, almost two years into the pandemic, the covidiots are still around. It is bizarre that political cleavages still divide people so sharply that they cannot seem to agree on simple facts.

COVID + idiots

Covidiots – they are everywhere – including in the line directly behind me.


They are all around us – I will admit that I hate wearing masks and can at times be found making excuses about it being hot…

We want to go out

…Even when there is no real need to do so.


…Are like this

And everywhere

They can be found everywhere.

A little like this

Some covidiots would cut off their nose to spite their face --- more or less.

Anti-vaxxers be like…


The religious divide

God shall protect say some of the Covidiots.

The political divide

The anti-maskers and the anti-vaxxers can usually be found arrayed on one side of the political divide in the United States.

This is over the line

Supporters of The Donald forgave him the most grievous of transgressions --- until he told them to go get vaccinated that is. That apparently was taking it a step too far.


…Filling hospital beds since 2020.

Because conspiracy theories!

They made COVID to sell vaccines (or to transform us all into robots by inserting subdermal microchips, take your pick). Masking is a plot to snatch away personal liberty. Pandemic protocols are Satan’s work… the conspiracy theories are many.

Covidiots at home

There is no dearth of people willing to risk life and limb in the name of festivities and/or fun in India either.

Here’s hoping

We are all hoping that 2022 will be kinder


We have seen a lot of Covidiots in 2021 – some would say this nature’s way of thinning the herd? Let us hope that 2022 is better and not worse; that 2021 wasn’t just a trailer for what is to come in 2022.

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