What’s the Big Deal about Abs – Important or ‘Abs’olute Nonsense?

All the actors in Bollywood now sport the regular six pack abs. Fitness adverts of all sorts routinely show men and women with dazzling white teeth and impossible-looking abdominal muscles. All this has made abs the symbol of fitness and good looks. But are abs such a great idea?  Celebrity trainer Anna Kaiser thinks they aren’t. I do too, but my opinion matters not at all.

She certainly has abs…

…As do her clients: celebrities such as Shakira, Hilary Duff, Kelly Ripa. But she believes that concentrating too much on the abs may mean that the back is not strong enough, causing imbalance. She believes it is important to concentrate on the entire core.

The abs obsession

Some people become quite obsessed with the idea of possessing six-pack abs. It becomes their single, solitary goal in life.

Some of us are like...

Abs are all very well, but we like things like food and drink; you know, the things that make life worthy living?

What’s the point!

Some of us don’t really see the point in severe deprivation and self-denial for the sake of a body part that isn’t even visible unless you're OK with posting abs selfies on social media (which basically declare one to be a self-obsessed, narcissistic show off). So really what is the point!

Fact is, we all have abs

But most of our abs are invisible because of the layers of fat that cover them. To have a realistic expectation of visible abs, it isn’t enough to just do stomach crunches; the real requirement is to get body fat percentage down to between 10 and 7%. Doing thousands of situps and crunches won’t help unless one has low body fat.

Some of us don’t really like abs

Yes, yes, it’s mostly sour grapes but really who likes muscles that bulge that much? Lean muscle is nice, but what really does one do with all that bulky, bulging, muscle and sinew?

Some of us think this:

Some of us are suspicious of the guy with six pack abs! Either he’s self obsessed or something of a player – or both!

These are abs too, right?

Some people seem to think that these are abs. And biceps for that matter!

Instant abs?

For those of us who can never realistically expect to develop those highly desirable six pack or eight pack abs, there is always photoshop! Or body paint! Or this!

Fact is...

The journey to developing those elusive abs is a long and tough one. One needs self-control, hard work, dedication and a few more qualities I don’t really have nodding acquaintance with.

Some of us want abs

Some of us want the bacon. Apparently, you cannot have both. It would be nice if bacon gave me abs. But since it doesn’t, I and most of us on earth won’t have abs either.

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