This Post about a Bad Night's Sleep Started a Social Media Conversation

If someone looks tired or unwell in the morning, I tell them unkindly but accurately, you look like death warmed over. The point is, poor sleep quality doesn’t just make a person feel awful, it also makes them look awful. This post about not sleeping well featured a cat – but the tweeple really felt it. Because sleep is vitally important and quite marvellous!

Did you sleep well?

Looking at those under-eye circles, clearly not.


For some it is just a matter of bad scheduling and poor prioritisation – if one wants to be on social media more than they want sleep, well, this can happen.

Also identifiable

So many people feel like this when they get up. It may not be just a scheduling issue. Getting up feeling tired could indicate a physical or a mental health issue.


Some of us look rather subpar in the morning. But we get better as the day goes along. For some of us, that first cup of tea or coffee tends to improve things significantly.

Dumbass question

Does it look like I slept well? That is an exhausted-looking kid, so I'm guessing... no?

Really didn’t sleep well

This is clearly several degrees worse than death warmed over.

This doesn’t help

When someone points out the fact that you look like you didn’t sleep too well, that isn't very helpful.  

For some

This is every day – inadequate or poor sleep and waking up looking and feeling like a zombie.

Sleep deprivation

Sleep deprivation can have some of the same impacts as high blood alcohol levels: poor judgement, slow reflexes, unsteadiness, difficulty focusing, indecisiveness and so on.

Just want this

Some people just want to go right back to sleep. The bed is cosy, comfy and inviting – getting out can be very, very difficult.

People agreed

Not getting a good night’s sleep can make one feel and look pretty ghastly.

Then there are these people

They sleep and sleep and sleep but still wake up feeling exhausted. Sleeping Beauty anyone? Clearly, it is possible to sleep too little or too much and still look pretty awful.

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