Their Partners Cherish These Non Romantic Things They Do for Them!

Life isn’t just about the romantic stuff, the hearts and the flowers. The romance may be great but over time, the mundane and the prosaic tend to replace it. Over time, it is the mundane and the prosaic acts that become romantic because they are born out of love and thoughtfulness. This Twitter trend explored this concept of non romantic but important things that partners do for each other:

Simple everyday things

This lifestyle reporter tweeted how she loved the fact that her significant other runs a bath for her and puts the kettle on in the morning. She invited others to share stories about unromantic gestures which made them love their partners even more.

Hair braiding

Anyone who doesn’t understand the importance of this does not have long, thick, curly hair that is prone to tangling; which takes blood, sweat and tears simply to manage!

Slowing down

It could be walking slowly so he or she can catch up. It can be eating slowly so the other doesn’t feel as though they have to hurry. It is simply about slowing down just enough so that the other can keep pace for togetherness.

Acknowledging contribution

Building up one’s partner and complimenting them in front of others can be very self affirming. Acknowledging their contribution to one's life and wellbeing is important for both.  

The little things

The affectionate hug in the morning. Hurrying up with the bathroom so that the other can use it. The genuine smile when you meet at the end of the day. Noticing when you're unwell even when you didn’t say anything. These things may not seem like much but they are important in a relationship because of the caring they represent.

Little notes

Calm down, this one says. But it also makes her laugh. Finding notes in unexpected places – saying something funny or just a random thought – it’s a simple way of letting the other person know that you're thinking of them.

Excellent rule!

Try to sort it out before you go to bed. Never go to bed mad with each other. Sorting things out before bed means a happier you, a stress free, restful night and a happier morning!


Over time this becomes second nature to the person – remembering schedules and dosages, little habits and needs of the other becomes almost instinctive!

Making the effort

Over the years it is easy to become complacent about the people closest to us. This tweet highlights how important it is to continue to surprise the other, to do fun and spontaneous things. It’s about making an effort, finding ways to spend time together but not letting it seem as though it was an effort.

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