Did you know that real magic exists in nature? Like lizards can regrow their tails, there are plants, vegetables and stems that can regrow on their own, with a little assistance from you. Amazing isn’t it? Here's how: 




To regrow basil, put basil stems in a glass of water and keep them in a sunny area. When the roots have grown to about two inches, transfer them to a pot to have your very own basil home garden again and again.




You can regrow carrots by putting carrot tops in water in a room with plenty of natural light available. The carrots will sprout in about two weeks. 

Green Onions

Green Onions

Green Onions

Green onions have been found to be one of the easiest vegetables to regrow. All you have to do is cut about an inch from above the roots and put them in a glass of water. The water level should be such that it just covers the root bulb. Leave it in a sunny room for about 10 days.




You can grow garlic by placing garlic sprouts in water and letting the roots grow taller. Another alternative is to plant the cloves directly into the soil.




The procedure to regrow ginger is fairly easy. Soak chunks of ginger in water overnight. Transfer them to a pot that contains moist soil. Keep in a warm and sunny place for best results.