Eating Your Food and Other Things Your Server / Delivery Person May Be Doing

When I go to a restaurant I always wonder whether the waiter is hungry; whether he or she finds my order tempting. Watching Friends has also made me wonder about ‘serving sneezies’ and a friend once told me about a friend who spit into the drink of a particularly unpleasant patron just before serving. So I was intrigued to watch the recent video of the Uber Eats Delivery person and know that my apprehensions weren’t unfounded!

The secret behind the small helping?

This delivery guy decided to enjoy a little bite while he waited for the door to open; taking care to wipe his hand so that his little secret would stay a secret. What he did not bargain for was the security camera taping him! So now we know why helpings are smaller at some times than at others!

“Uber Eats”

While many on Twitter expressed shock and distaste for the behaviour of the delivery person, others thought that customers shouldn’t be surprised. After all the name Uber Eats Delivery is self-explanatory.

Stingy customers?

Maybe the delivery man was making up for a customer who tipped badly or not at all! A chip for a tip is not a bad deal, this tweet suggests. But this is a minor infraction; servers may do a lot worse with rude, obnoxious or cheap patrons:

Hair, there, everywhere!

One chef or waiter confessed to adding some body hair to a dish. Scarily they did not clarify where the hair came from! And a few hairs in there: who would even know!

Doing it deliberately!

Try not to get that waiter upset. It has been known to happen that the server will deliberately delay the order of an obnoxious customer, perhaps even burn the food a bit.


What do you suppose they do when they accidently drop your food on the floor? Well most will do the right thing, but some rogue servers confessed that they went right on and served the food that they picked up off the floor.

Sending food back

A few servers confessed that when people sent food back for some or other reason, they often brought it back exactly as it was – after five minutes.


When my family and I go to a restaurant there are rarely any leftovers, but I often wonder about less hearty eaters who only partly ate their biryani or who shockingly wasted half the tandoori platter. Some waiters confessed that it is these morsels that make up their meal after work!

What about washing hands?

Some waiters didn’t bother to wash hands after visiting the loo, they confessed; some were just too busy… in either event that was just gross! Now while some servers may do this; many have other ways to score small points off obnoxious customers (such as the cartoon above), but an overwhelming majority is just doing a tough job, trying to get through the day so they can get the weight off their feet. Remember a server is merely providing a service and is entitled to your respect. If they get your respect, you can be reasonably sure to get theirs.

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