Any parent knows that their kids are like sponges, soaking up all that they hear, see and even sense. So if responsible parents become careful about what and who they mention before their children shouldn’t they also be careful about what films their kids watch? Ever given a thought to the kind of beliefs and attitudes that Disney films have been promoting all these years? Ever thought that Disney has given us incredibly regressive films over the years and some more progressive ones in recent years?

Most regressive Disney films


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Sleeping Beauty is the most passive of heroines; someone who just hangs around (or conveniently falls asleep) and has things done to or for her. She literally waits a hundred years for some swashbuckling hero to come kiss her awake. Be well behaved but utterly helpless is so not the message you want to send to kids.



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Cinderella is similarly helpless. She tolerates a bunch of crap from her step-ma and step-siblings all martyr like and then waits for some fairy with a magic wand to make things pretty for her. The worst message Cinderella sends is that it is important to have fancy clothes, go to parties to meet princes and to have small feet!




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Snow White is another helpless female that has bad things done to her by a mean step mom (mean because ambitious women must be evil) because she doesn’t have the gumption to stand up to her. She then needs a bunch of dwarves to give her shelter and then dutifully proceeds to cook and clean for them because you know, that’s a woman’s job and all. Then she waits some more for some man to kiss her awake and is so abjectly grateful she proceeds to marry him!


Progressive films your kids probably should watch


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Rapunzel is originally a pretty regressive story, but Disney gave it a welcome twist in the film Tangled by creating the character of a young woman who is far from helpless. She tackles baddies, rescues the hero and makes good things happen for herself.



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Frozen is recommended viewing for several reasons: it is not about the usual hero-heroine relationship. It is about the bond shared by sisters where the guys are incidental. The women are strong, powerful, loyal and loving – all the things you hope your child will grow up to be. The excellent music is a bonus.



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Brave is a film I recommend as well. The women are strong and independent and don’t think it necessary to kowtow to societal expectations of what constitutes ‘ladylike’ comportment. Merida is fearless and fiercely loyal and unconventional. Plus great music!



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Princess and the Frog is another regressive story that was turned on its head in the film. Tiana is a nonwhite heroine (a huge thing in itself for Disney) who wants to start her own business and falls for a penniless loser. The fact that he turns out to be prince later is irrelevant. Did I mention, great music – some superlative jazz and bluesy songs?

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Author – Reena Daruwalla