Funny Fashion Memes – For the Frump As Well As the Fashion-Plate

The concept of fashion means different things to different people. What is one person’s style could well be another's outrage. Some rather odd and inexplicable things are sometimes labeled ‘fashionable’. Consider the ripped jeans trend, nay, epidemic or how we see various utterly ridiculous body trends and challenges on social media from time to time. It is no accident that the term ‘fashion victim’ gained currency and these fashion memes will at least partly explain why:

Fashion is ever evolving

Come now! Why should any of us object to men getting in touch with their feminine side! They're just exploring their inner self and trying to evolve… or is this is a harking back to days of yore when men didn’t feel stigmatised for wearing jewellery and elaborate, ornate clothes! After all, equality is the buzzword, why should women have all the fun!

Like I said, evolving…

…Evolving into what? Well, that would be anyone's guess. I am all for flights of fancy; even extreme fashion that pushes the envelope is fine – for some I’m sure. But this? What is this?


There are many willing to sacrifice comfort, logic and all sense upon the altar of fashion. Because being different is that important.

“Creative” leggings

They say there are three things that don’t lie: children, drunk people and leggings. Clearly, these leggings speak the truth.

Concept of casual

Not sure what the designer was aiming for here: casual, fusion, adult diaper? The socks make it confusing. And the red bloomers. And the gloves. And the diamond pattered sweater. And… heck it’s everything!

Online shopping makes things simpler

…Or does it! We’ve all fancied wearing something we see online, only to be dismayed when it arrives… and even more dismayed when we put it on.

They have us all figured out

The fashion industry has many, many ways to make us part with our money. The ‘free’ shipping announcement is just one of them. Buy two get one free is another… way to make us buy three of something instead of one.

The art of relabeling

They used to call them harem pants. Then they called them dhoti pants. They used to call them bell bottoms; now they call them flares. By the clever expedient of relabeling, they present an old idea as a brand new one.

Like I said…

Relabeling is an art! Apparently you can take anything and make it into another thing… so long as the relabeling also includes re-pricing.

The low crotch conundrum

Those inexplicable low crotch pants that hang perilously low… It always worries me that they’ll simply fall down. Perhaps there is some rationale behind them?

Who in the world…

…Is ever going to wear that. Ever. What life event or extreme circumstance could ever call for any of those outfits?

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