Zoe Saldana aka Gamora’s Green Lipstick Gives Tweeple Ideas

There was a time when pink, red, brown and nude made up the colour palette of lipsticks. Then we had ORANGE, mauve and maroon; followed by golden, silver, white, yellow, blue… green was just waiting to happen! And thanks to the mad popularity of the Avengers Endgame film and the sub-popularity of one of the characters Gomora, a green lipstick shade is trending on social media:

Gomora and Nebula

They are sisters; the creation of mighty Thanos; the loyal offspring who see the error of their ways and decide to work alongside the righteous.

The green lipstick had everyone's attention

All the bits that may be seen are green; including the lips. And if Gomora’s love interest –Star-Lord (Peter Quill) is going to show up, she has to be properly green!

Bad seafood?

Heard about that phrase “green round the gills”; referring to someone who’s feeling sick? Well, maybe that’s the look they were going for.

That lipstick is transfer resist!

She’s drinking something with a straw and her lipstick is intact. That’s alright then!

Popeye reference

Since her skin colour is vaguely that of creamed spinach, the Popeye reference is not out of place.

What is avocado toast?

I don’t know either, but apparently that is how you look after having ingested large amounts.

The colour of money

Sometimes the tweeple are quite fanciful: in this case the tweet suggests that money gets all dressed up to go out.


This tweet expresses the view that the green colour resembles bad lettuce that will probably make people really sick.


All the witty observations and apt metaphors had people in splits.

Others not so much

It’s ok to be creative with lipstick. But green? A lot of people seem to draw the line at green lipstick.

Others were like…

…Finally! For Star-Lord, after all the of makeup and the green lipstick, Gomora is worth the wait!

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