Most of us take care to post things that show us in the way that we want ourselves to be seen. Our posts probably feature our beliefs, likes, dislikes, affiliations and of course our most flattering photos. But there is much that Facebook and other social networking sites reveal about you without you realising how much you’re giving away.

Facebook knows when you’re awake and asleep



Facebook has compiled a huge database based on when you were last seen on line, when you last ‘liked’ something and how soon in the morning you start ‘Facebooking’. In fact Facebook is the new psycho/stalker Santa Claus; you know the one who… sees you when you’re sleeping/ He knows when you’re awake/ He knows if you’ve been bad or good…


You have low self esteem



Research shows that you could betray low self esteem on Facebook without realising it. Those with more FB friends have lower self esteem and are more self conscious. They make more FB friends to appear popular and compensate for that low self esteem.


You’re an attention seeking narcissist

Facebook Narcissism


So you’re sad today. Yesterday you managed to achieve a near unattainable target at work. You will be provocative and a bit rude tomorrow. You get reactions: sympathy, admiration or even reprisals – whatever! You’re simply basking in the glow of all that attention.


You’re an extrovert



If you upload lots of photos and update your status frequently; if you frequently like posts, you’re an extrovert. So if you’re gregarious in your real life, you are likely to be the same on Facebook. Well duh!


You’re meticulous



If your photos are neatly arranged, dated, captioned you reveal yourself to be organised and meticulous. Ever wonder if these guys actually get paid to conduct ‘research’ such as this?


You’re open



If you share a lot of personal details about yourself you’re open and may also be more imaginative, creative and artistic. You’re probably also open to a whole lot of grief resulting from so many strangers now knowing your address, phone number and the nature of your job and where your kids go to school though.


You’re popular



People post on your wall; they tag you in pictures and hashtag topics. But being popular on Facebook… isn’t that a little bit that what it says above?


You have no life



Because if you’re always on Facebook, when do you err… live your life?

Author – Reena Daruwalla

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