Were You A #Backbencher? You'll Identify With These Backbencher Memes

I confess that I was the quintessential backbencher; the bane of my teachers’ life and the possessor of the dubious distinction of having the most number of remarks in my school diary. So, many of the #Backbencher tweets resonated with me. Perhaps you will find these backbencher memes relatable too:


When the frontbenchers were hanging on to every word of the teacher and making copious notes, the backbenchers were chilling; possibly getting a head start on contents of their lunch boxes.

Obedience? Not so much

As a breed, the backbencher finds it difficult to follow instructions; or simply sees no point in doing so.

Can’t hear

The backbencher is pretty good at thinking up excuses.


The backbenchers are the official entertainers of the class.

Rules? What are those?

Rules are meant to be broken – that is the only backbencher rule.

This rule, for instance

… Is definitely made to be broken. The joy of eating in class is eclipsed by the mundane activity of eating in the break.

The joy of this:

Sleeping in class while the teacher drones on… every backbencher has done this and some of us even got away with it.

We used to do this

…But kids these days are one-up on us: they even record all the in-class antics!

What about…

…The middle benchers! The frontbenchers are good, the backbenchers are bad, but what about these guys?

“Last warning”

The last warning was not so much a deterrent as an encouragement. Uncontrollable coughing, serial sneezing, books, tiffin boxes, bottles, bags, pencil boxes that jumped off the table and fell to the ground – all this seemed to happen spontaneously.

Wishful thinking

Some backbenchers tend to have a fanciful idea about their own abilities and the completely misguided idea that success is accidental; not dependent upon hard work.


Notes are for frontbenchers to take down and for backbenchers to copy from them later. Meanwhile there is other stuff to do.

For some backbenchers…

…The no-cheating rule is a mere suggestion, not an observance. The presence of the exam invigilator is a mere challenge to be overcome.

No fighting

Backbenchers: yes fighting!

No bunking

Backbenchers: making elaborate plans for long loo breaks, running fictitious errands and scouting for the best, least noticeable exits from the premises.

Not great at studies

Backbenchers have their own agendas – they don’t usually involve a lot of studying or paying attention in class.

This can happen sometimes

The नालायक (unworthy) can become लायक (worthy) occasionally. But most of the time, backbenchers remain true to form; thereby maintaining a balance between good and bad in the world.

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