Six Adorable Dog Videos You Need To Watch

I think I am one among many who believe that dogs are better creatures than humans. If you ever love and lose a dog, there remains a dog-shaped hole in the heart forever. Dogs, when they are around, can make life immeasurably better. If you don’t have a dog, a dog video will do the same. Here are some doggie videos to make your day better:

Cute silly retrievers

The little retriever bounding in the snow, the little puppy who sounds like a baby, plays with a bit of ice, carries a bag, chews on corn, compulsively moves legs when scratched, is terrified of water, who is angry at the stairs, fights with its own reflection… it’s all in here. If this one doesn’t make your face dissolve in a smile and instantly put you in a better mood nothing will.

Corgis and more corgis

I find the big ears, little bodies and curious eyes of a corgi puppy rather irresistible. Watch as a corgi looks like a bunny, rolls itself up in a blanket, has its butt scratched, walks backwards, tumbles down the stairs, travels in a shopping cart, plays dead, wears a raincoat… it will give you a new appreciation for the word adorable.

Disciplined doggies

Dogs respond to their names and they come as soon as they are called. Meanwhile they wait patiently to be called. These disciplined dogs could certainly teach a thing or two to humans who are impatient about standing in lines, doing things patiently by turns. In fact you could say that these canines display a lot more patience and self-control than most humans!

Smart doggies

Doggies who smile for the camera, unlock gates, do card tricks, get ice cubes from a fridge, put away toys, help their human shop, throw a ball back… and more. It is all quite delightful!

Guilty doggies

That face! When the doggie was destructive, got on to the furniture, went and got dirty, made a mess, broke something, chewed up something…the look of guilt and utter shame! It is difficult to replicate in human terms. Anyone who thinks dogs don’t have human expressions has to watch this.

Puppies and babies

What is cuter than little babies? Puppies. And what is cuter than puppies? Puppies and babies! Check it out: kids talking to puppies, sharing an ice cream, a doggie rocking a chortling baby, pulling at a shirt, sock, or onsie, howling together, laughing together, dancing together, chatting with each other, playing tug of war… it’s all cuteness overload. If these doggies did not make your day immeasurably better, I can only conclude that you have no heart.

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