Paint Fake Eyes on Lids? Parents Will Identify with These Difficulties in Making Baby Sleep

It may seem funny; even rather extreme to a lot of people; but for sleep-deprived parents of infants, this seems to make eminently good sense: one father decided to be innovative about trying to get some shut-eye. He painted eyes on his closed lids; just so his baby would let him sleep. Have you done something similar?

An innovative solution

This dad figured out a way to fool his kid into thinking he was awake. He painted open eyes on to his eyelids.

Everyone knows…

Baby will sleep through practically any noise, but the minute mother shuts her eyes, baby is wide awake. I can recall my

sleeping through Diwali firecrackers just outside the window but springing awake when I dropped a spoon by mistake. I remember leaving the room to cough.

I remember this as well

I also remember dropping to my knees and crawling out of the room so my daughter’s eagle eye would not spot me.

Sleep schedule? What’s that!

Babies march to the beat of a different drummer than the rest of us. The sun rising, setting, meal times, office timings matter not a whit to them.

At long last!

When baby is finally asleep, every care will be taken to ensure that baby remains asleep. I may think to myself where does she hide her wings (because she looks so much like an angel when asleep). But I will resist the urge to hug her; will resist the urge even to smile loudly.

You celebrate what you can

Baby slept through the night! I wrote a thank you letter to Pampers. I slept through the night; I couldn’t believe my luck! Then I checked, she had already turned 4.

Some life concepts change

New parents tend to revisit some concepts about sleep. As for me, right after I say congratulations to a set of new parents, I also cruelly welcome them to the land of the sleep deprived.

It can be exasperating!

No, baby is not hungry. No, baby’s diaper does not need changing. No, baby does not have colic. Baby just decided to wake up at 2.30 AM to check whether you were interested in a one hour long game of peek-a-boo. Fun, fun, fun!

It all adds up… doesn’t it?

Three hours, then one hour and then fifteen minutes during the night, half an hour when baby took a nap in the morning, another hour during baby's afternoon nap. Lots of people manage with 5 to 6 hours of sleep!

Sleeping late? Nah!

Babies seem to have a penchant for waking up early. When they’ve gone to bed early, when they slept late, on weekdays, Sundays… Baby will probably become a late riser only when she or he is in school; when you actually need him or her to get up early and go to school!

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