Netflix Is Cracking Down On Account Sharing, People Aren't Happy

Netflix is the most expensive OTT content streaming platform in India and also perhaps the one with the best or widest range of content. Recently Netflix lowered their prices in India; perhaps with an eye on the cost-conscious Indian viewer. Now, however, Netflix is talking about charging people for sharing their Netflix password – when everyone knows that Netflix is for sharing!


Netflix is testing out a feature that would require us to pay more if we were to share the account password with a non-family member.

People are not amused

Are they trying to lose subscribers?

Some think it’s OK

Some people feel that password sharing is somehow dishonest or ‘illicit’ and that the company is right to crack down on this.

The reason

Subscriber growth has slowed and stock prices have fallen. So this is the road Netflix chose to take?

WTF Netflix!

Netflix has raised prices in some regions, dropped Marvel films… and now this?


Netflix already has a limit on the number of screens that can watch streaming content simultaneously, so why does this even matter to them?


…Most individuals access Netflix on more than one device such as the phone, smart TV, desktop etc. So how would they even make this work?

Bad decision

We don’t know whether this feature is going to be implemented yet – Netflix is probably weighing increased revenues against pissing off customers right now.

Back to Pirate Bay

Remember those days of watching series and movies via pirated torrents? People are thinking about that now.

Destroying goodwill

People feel that this may make the company some money, but it will destroy goodwill that is worth much more.


Netflix is being small-minded and petty, feel the tweeple. This is like selling people a product and then insisting on controlling how people use that product.

This prediction

There was a time when Netflix almost had a monopoly in the OTT streaming space – now there are numerous other options.

Bad idea

The tweeple think Netflix will lose money rather than make more money because of this.


A lot of users are saying they will be cancelling their subscription if this comes to pass.

Just dumb

This is a bad business decision, feel the tweeple.

Don’t do it!

Some will simply not be able to afford having to pay extra.


There are people who share their passwords with friends or family who may not be able to afford a subscription themselves.


If Netflix is going to crackdown on password sharing, this is just corporate greed, feel many subscribers.

Bottom line

If people are watching on borrowed passwords, they aren't going to become paid subscribers because of this move in any case. So why do it Netflix? Now people have other options: plenty more fish – and content – in the sea.

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