One of the oldest and most complicated sciences in the world, Palmistry sure holds a whole plethora of mysterious knowledge, which surprises us every now and then. The gentle criss-crosses across the expanse of our palms can hold the possibilities of the future. Sounds quite preposterous, doesn’t it? But then, this is one intricate study of these lines, and sometimes holds quite true too.

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For example, do you actually know what the half crescent like long line on either of your palms mean? Individually, yeah, they don’t actually unravel anything, but just a second, bring your palms together to join these lines on level. Do you see how two incomplete crescents form one smiling curve together?

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This is the line that helps a palmist predict the future of your love and married life. Incredible, isn’t it? That this one whole line is completed when you bring together both your hands, like the completion of two souls, and the feeling of being whole, when you finally meet your soulmate. Come to think of it. The linking of this line on our palms, and the predictability of love and marriage on the basis of it, does not seem too shocking now, isn’t it?

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Ellen Golberg is a world-known palmist, who is the master of unravelling the secrets that lay hidden in these tiny lines. Take a look as she decodes the mystery of these meeting of the lines, in this one interesting video.