Does Your Personality Decide What Kind Of Music You Like?

Creative people like unconventional music

Research shows that people who are creative, those who require more intellectual stimulation are more open to innovative and experimental musical renditions and enjoy more complex genres. Extroverts and sociable people seem to enjoy upbeat, energetic musical styles.

The emotional connect of music

The reason some songs are our favourite songs could have several reasons: the tune, the beat and arrangement appeal to your senses. It is however more likely that you love a song because it is associated with an important memory or a deep emotional experience. For instance, the song you associate with your first crush will always evoke a certain emotional response from you: joyful, wistful, nostalgic. Some melodies will always trigger certain memories and evoke specific emotional responses. For me, dum maro dum will always remind me of my college cultural festival; Al Stewart will always be about long drives, Jethro Tull’s Heavy Horses and Dire Straits’ On Every Street is about happy times hanging out with friends behind the college gym.

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