Bursting a Balloon, Looking Innocent and Other Adorable Things Dogs Do

Dogs simply make the world a better place – this is an indisputable fact. They are playful, adoring, silly, and entertaining, and they have that face! It isn't for nothing that having a dog around improves mental health, reduces stress, is great for growing kids and somehow makes home a more fun place to be. Check out this doggie video – this will resonate with anyone who finds dogs just irresistible.

What just happened!

There was a round object I was playing with and then there was a noise and that round object is nowhere to be found! This is the possible thought-process here.

That face!

That look of confusion laced with a bit of it-wasn’t-me guilt – priceless!

Not guilty!

In case something went wrong, it wasn’t me! The doggie clearly had everyone's sympathy.

Do something!

The look can also be interpreted thus: the look of a dog who excepts their human to fix things – because that is the job of the 'hooman'.

Not funny

Some decided to sound a note of caution – pointing out that something like this was bound to startle a doggie; also the choking hazards of the balloon and the plastic bits inside.

New 'fren'

And then the new friend is no more.

Dogs love round objects

We dared not say the word ‘ball’ in the presence of Rustom, a Lab we fostered on and off for some years – it would completely send him into a tailspin – literally. So we used to spell out the word – can totally relate to a doggie being heartbroken about the loss of a beloved round object.

New friends...

...Look like this too!

Brave doggie!

The pop of the burst balloon didn’t seem to faze much.

Others are less sanguine

Loud noises seem to terrify some of those brave doggies – who can be found fearlessly cowering under a bed when Diwali rolls around.

Most dogs would be like…


Just adorable

The head tilt, the puzzled look, the look of delighted anticipation, that look of pretend guilt; dogs have these and many more expressions.

Also adorable

There is the disappearing round object again – with a cat this time.

Bit of a performer there

This furry friend is clearly used to performing for the camera.


So what if I burst one balloon – give me another, the dog is probably thinking.

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