Beaten Up for Revealing Spoilers & Other Avengers Endgame News

A few days after the mega Marvel release, Avengers Endgame, the movie continues to make headlines – and not just for the positive reviews it continues to garner.  The surprise factor is, of course, a key to an enjoyable movie viewing experience; which is why Marvel addressed a letter to fans requesting not to let out spoilers. There are still those recalcitrant fans who want to ruin it for others though.

Beaten up for letting out spoilers

In Hong Kong, a man watched the movie and proceeded to yell out plot details outside the theatre. Fans waiting to go in were not best pleased. Some proceeded to beat up the man who had the temerity to let out spoilers.

Can we be real please?

While some thought that the spoiler deserved what he got, others pointed out that this is a story based on comics; a bit of escapist fantasy which people really shouldn’t be taking seriously.

Movies can send some to hospital

One Chinese fan cried so much during the movie that she developed breathing trouble and chest pains. The 21-year-old developed numbness in her hands and feet and had to make a trip to the hospital emergency room.

Many cried

This tweet reacted to the news, suggesting that he cried as much during the movie as the hospitalised Chinese woman probably did. (I kind of sympathise – there were times when the tears slipped out; there were times when I actually wept during the movie.)

Racing to get in

In a mall in the Philippines, fans were running to get to the theatre; to get there first. Not sure why… surely seats are pre-assigned, but whatever.

Biggest opening in history

It would seem that all the hype and the inventive marketing strategies have more than paid off. The movie made $350 million in its opening weekend in its domestic market. The global opening day collections were a staggering $1.2 billion; shattering all previous records.

Brutal but epic

It was an overdose of awesome for some people this weekend. Avengers Endgame is the movie they had been waiting for, for a year! the final season of Game of Thrones is something fans have been waiting for, for many years!


There are those who don’t ‘get’ why Avengers Endgame is such a big deal, nor do they understand why Game of Thrones has to be so earth-shatteringly important… or the massive emotional investment fans make in either or both. Both may be entertaining and hugely hyped, but in the end they are fantasy fiction that is the figment of the imagination.

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