Brain teasers are always fun. Sometimes it makes you think long, sometimes you get it and makes you laugh out. So, as the week comes to a close, how about scratching your head a bit and playing the intelligent game….just for fun.

1. The wet theory!


How did this happen?

Ans. His dad was bald. Haaaa



2. The monthly story


Can you guess?

Ans. All months have 28 days.


3.  This foody story!


Tale of the apple



4. This rainbow of a riddle

Can you find the the mistake


Ans. The word ‘the’ comes twice


5. This one with the Burger-tale



Ans. 100 burgers!


6. Who am I?

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Churn the wheels

Ans. The letter ‘m’


7. This math problem is a little tricky!

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Math attack

Ans. 9


8. This one about the hidden number 


Use your brain

Ans. 21


9. This one about a race!


Can you answer?

Ans. You can’t over take the last person


10. This one with the big fat X


The X factor

Ans. L8 (read all numbers upside down)

Our guess, you will at least like to ask a few of these to your friends.

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Author Name: Palak Bhardwaj