Do you have a photographer inside you who loves to click and share pics on the go using your iPhone? But these photos are confined to the limited configuration of your iPhone. How would you like to take high resolution pictures or zoom in on distant objects and capture something amazing? Don’t you want the iPhone camera to be as good as the old and dear DSLR. Well, it is now possible with the cool lenses that turns your regular iPhone to an all purpose camera. Sure, your iPhone will look a bit funny, but are you really complaining?

Here’s our recommendation of the 7 best iPhone lenses you can grab.

1.IRIS Lens 3- piece set

It includes three lenses – a fisheye, wide angle, and macro – and they all work on any of the iPhone 6 models. It costs around $109 and you can buy it online as it is shipped worldwide.


2.iPhone telephoto lens

It gives you around 12x telephoto powers and laser-sharp manual focus, that’s pretty much a miracle. It costs around $35.


3.Magnetic lens sampler

You just have to attach the metal ring to the back of your phone, then the magnetic lens just snaps on. It’s pretty much easy and costs around $49.


4.Smartphone spy lens

If you prefer to be discreet, use this lens to take photos at a 90° angle. You can easily use it without making any angle upwards or downwards. Every angle is a good angle for selfie and it costs only around $20.


5.Olloclip 4-in-1 lens

Olloclip 4-in-1 lens

Olloclip 4-in-1 lens

It includes a fisheye, wide-angle, 10x macro and 15x macro lens. It has sets of  four lenses and comes for around $69.95.


6.The Phone-O-chrome color filter

 A new filter

A new filter

This filter is better than all others and even better than your Instagram filter. It can surely help you to create epic selfies and other photos as well. It costs around $15.


7.iPhone lens wallet

After buying this, you may feel like you are using a DSLR. This wallet will help you to keep the lenses clean and safe. And it costs around $15.


Author: Palak Bhardwaj

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