8 Pick Up Lines That Guarantee Failure With Women

Wonder if this guy ever succeeds with that line. Can't imagine that he does.
Uh No! But seriously? That's your big line? Beautiful blog?
Hmm the guys is making a web marketing analogy. Clearly he needs to get out more and not in the virtual world.
This sad wannabe stud obviously doesn’t know that STD stands for Sexually Transmitted Diseases. LOL!
That's it? One reference to some formula in physics, which even you probably don't understand? You will never succeed with that.
If this stalker like line wasn't enough to put her off, his lunatic grin most certainly would!
Howard Wolowitz from Big Bang Theory at his very best creepy self, failing miserably once again.
Right! So your plan is to make her feel bad and she'll fall right into your arms. Didn't that ploy stop working in the 60s?

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