Scoring an A+ in school was such an achievement, but does that really matter? All your life in school was about winning and scoring A’s and failure was a shame. And it’s not your fault you only do what you are asked to and absorbed what you were taught. But as you grow older you realise life is so different from what school taught us. Here are five life lessons that your school didn’t teach you.

  1. Who says you have to please people all the time?
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You can’t please all the people all the time. It is difficult and impossible to do that. Whether it is your family, friends or colleagues, it is hard to keep everyone happy. So, don’t waste your time pleasing the world, just please yourself and be happy.


  1. Mistakes are not the end of the world, but the beginning
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Making mistakes is absolutely fine, but each time it needs to be a new mistake. You ask why? It is because each time you make a new mistake you learn something new. Which makes you a better and stronger person.


  1. First impressions doesn’t have to be the judgement day
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I don’t mean to say to judge random people or judge their life. A “somebody” in your life can be proof of “nobody”, at the time of need. See their traits and actions, before you choose to have any kind of relationship with them.


  1. Self love is very important
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People around you are too busy to take care of you. People are busy fighting their own battles and you have to fight yours. Keep in touch with people who really will want to spend time with you and will genuinely try to help you, when you need them. But remember you are the change for yourself.


  1. Let it go, life knows its way
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Life is short and full of surprises. You will never know what will come your way. You need to be prepared to take up everything that comes your way with an open mind. Just remember “never say, never” and believe in yourself.

I would like to end this by sharing my favorite quote: “First, you believe in yourself before others can believe in you!” ~ Mimi Ikonn

These are not the only things I learnt after school. Here’re 15 more life lessons that I also picked up.


Author: Shifa Meerza

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