In order for you to keep track of some of the coolest technological advancements from around the world, here’s a list of 5 unusually mind boggling gadgets that you’d probably (read: definitely) kill for!


One of its kind, this Bluetooth speaker uses energy driven from fire to operate. With impeccable sound quality, this extraordinary gadget is a boon to both environmentalists and music enthusiasts.



A modern age Doogie Howser, this amazing gadget tells you when your machine is about to fall sick and saves you a trip to the mechanic. It’s sleek, it’s compact and it’s very accurate!


Neat Microphones


Add color to your microphones


A tiny mic for your communication needs, this device has such high frequency catching abilities that you might just be able to catch hold of E.T! And if you’re not looking to speak with aliens, it will nonetheless enhance your video calling experience manifold.


Luna Sleep Cover

A cool mattress that lets you sleep like a baby by regulating your sleep cycle and putting you to bed according to your body’s needs. Almost as good as your mom’s goodnight kiss, this mattress is soft, comfortable and definitely worth the money.


Air Dock

A perfect companion to your smartphone, not only does this dock play your favourite music, it also charges your phone while doing so. A multipurpose problem solver for people who’re always on the go.

Author Name: Shruti Kochhar

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