Is It A Bird, Is It A Plane? No Its Egg-Boy!

You know how bad performers can expect rotten eggs and tomatoes to be launched at them? It seems there are others who can expect such insulting treatment as well. One such egg breaker is being hailed on social media as the #EggBoy or Egg Man. Here’s what happened.

Fraser Anning’s statement riled a lot of people

Australian senator Fraser Anning released this statement following the mosque terror attacks of Christchurch, NZ. According to him, “the real cause of bloodshed… is the immigration program which allowed Muslim fanatics to migrate to New Zealand” and he goes on to censure and disparage the Islamic faith and its adherents.

One kid decided to do this

The Australian senator is speaking when this kid takes out his phone and then quietly breaks an egg on his head. The senator turns around and slaps him twice before the kid is pinned down by three men and presumably handed over to the police.

From another angle

That is the senator getting ‘egged’ from another angle, where he hits the kid twice before he is restrained.

Egg-boy’s tweet

His name is Will Connolly. Tweeting from the @WillConnollyAU handle, he clarified why he had done what he had done. It was to send out the message that Muslims are not terrorists and that Anning's views were repugnant.

People hailed him as a hero

A lot of people hailed Will Connolly as truly “egg-xtraordinary”; for being a real “egg-sample” for others (though some of those tweets were directed at the wrong person, as this one was).

Released without charge

Though Egg boy was wrestled to the ground by three men and then carted away, there were no charges filed against him and he has since been released. It is not clear whether Senator Anning has been charged with assault for the two roundhouse blows he landed.

Twitter suspended him

Egg-man or egg-boy as he is being called has been suspended by Twitter.

Egg Boy's new account

With someone offering him a meal to someone else offering him red carpet welcome in New Zealand, Egg Boy has had a lot of support. He tweeted this from his new account after his earlier account was suspended.

“Some throw eggs”

Social media has hailed the 17 year old as a hero; one without a cape or a mask.

Inspiring art

Quickly on the job, a social media artist created his comic book cover for the Incredible Egg Boy, the unsung hero of something called the Humanity Super Heroes Group.

Street art

Several tweeple tweeted this picture of street art honouring the egg-boy; which appeared overnight in Melbourne.


Egg Boy is “immortalised with a Hosier Lane mural” as another Twitter user put it.

Street support for Egg Boy

A lot of people came out in support of Connolly and his anti-hate message. “We are all #EggBoy,” they said.

This question

Anning blamed Muslims for the violence they suffered against themselves. This Twitter user feels that Anning is similarly to blame for the egg-violence he himself suffered. Now while it may seem very satisfying to have someone's openly hateful agenda called out and ‘egged’, this isn’t right either.

Though having an egg broken upon someone's head may appear to be an innocuous act, it is still an assault upon another human being; no matter how hateful that human being and despicable his ideology. The minute one resorts to violence, no matter how harmless-seeming, one reduces oneself and their ideology and makes it indefensible. So, while I cannot help feeling a twinge of satisfaction at Egg-Boy's actions, I hope that the next time around, he chooses a non-egg-xiting way to protest. That would be a real moral victory.

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