Beliefs Associated With Solar Eclipses – What to Believe and What to Bin

Solar eclipses have been the subject of fear, conjecture and many, many beliefs that have ultimately been debunked by science. However, there is no accounting for superstitions and fallacies that have come to be associated with solar eclipses (when the moon moves between the sun and the earth, temporarily covering and obscuring the sun) over the ages. We look at what is correct and what is not.

Pregnant women are at risk

Pregnant women are advised not to go out of doors during an eclipse because doing so would cause their child to be born with various deformities. Pregnant women are also advised not to handle any sharp objects during the eclipse as this would cause issues such as a cleft lip or disfiguring birthmarks. Obviously there is no evidence of any of this being true.

Do (and don’t) handle metal or sharp objects

Various cultures offer conflicting advice about handling metal and sharp objects.  While in India, people advise not only against cutting or chopping things during the eclipse they also warn against the use of metal pins or jewelry during this time. On the other hand, Mexicans believe that holding some sort of metal object could actually ward off the evil effects of an eclipse. Neither recommendation seems to have any basis in fact.

Don’t go outside during the eclipse

Streets do wear a deserted look during an eclipse. This is because dire warnings of all sorts are issued : ranging from blindness to deformity, to developing a disability. Most people simply do not want to take a chance that anything could go wrong. The truth is that so long as some precautions are taken, there is nothing that is unadvisable; people can continue to go about their daily activities as usual even during an eclipse.  

Lie straight

In Pakistan, women are told to lie straight in bed during an eclipse if they don’t want themselves and their children do develop crooked limbs. Obviously this is not true.

Settle your differences

In the Caribbean islands it is believed that the eclipse occurs because of the sun and the moon having a fight. So it is advised that people should not fight and should instead make up their differences at this time. While that is not true, it is a good idea to settle differences anyway!

Don’t eat!

Many Indians, even otherwise rational Indians will not eat during an eclipse since it is thought to increase the proliferation of bacteria and because food is thought to spoil faster during an eclipse. Some advise that the body is in a confused state during an eclipse, as such it is best not to eat at the time. Even though there is no scientific evidence of this (or of food turning into poison as some say), many refrain from eating during an eclipse 'just to be on the safe side".

You could go blind

This one is actually true. Eclipse blindness is a real thing and looking directly at the sun during an eclipse can cause permanent damage to the retina. Viewing through binoculars, sunglasses or telescopes is not safe either. Projectors, a pin hole camera or special eclipse glasses or filters should be used to view a solar eclipse.

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