All About How Trump ‘Misspoke’ and The Terrifying Time Magazine Cover

President of the United States Donald Trump has often expressed his admiration for President of Russia, Vladimir Putin, much to the horror of an American public schooled in suspecting and fearing the regime for decades. Trump is involved in some damage control following what is being called the ‘botched’ summit between the two leaders. The new Time magazine cover reflects the popular notion of some sort of sinister nexus between the two leaders.

“Strong and powerful”

When he met Putin in Helsinki recently, he called his Russian counterpart “strong and powerful”. Trump has faced a lot of flak for praising Putin instead of berating him for the alleged interference by the Russians in the 2016 American presidential elections. He also expressed skepticism about the Russian involvement. “I don’t see any reason why it would be,” Trump said. He later said he misspoke; that he meant to say “wouldn’t” instead of “would”.

“Watch her face”

There is also speculation about the reaction of the First Lady of America to Putin. Social media was going crazy commenting on her “haunted expression” after she met him. “Melania, find someone who looks at you the way your husband looks at Putin” suggested one tweet.

The Time magazine cover

Journalists, analysts, intelligence personnel as well as the general public have used expressions such as “shameful”, “dangerous”, “treasonous”, “surrender”, “imbecilic” and other harsh language to denounce what is seen as an American-Russian nexus that is inimical to American security and wellbeing. This Time magazine cover where Trump’s face morphs into that of Putin seems to reflect this rather high pitched hysteria.


Commentators are describing the cover as “creepy”, “terrifying” and so on. Many feel that it is an apt representation of a grim reality where Russia is pulling the strings of American administration.

The memes started

Other commentators soon had posts such as these to share in response to the Time cover. One commentator had this dark prophecy: “One nation, under Trumputin. Unless America wakes up.” So now we have a new phenomenon in name blending. It used to be celebrity couples such as ‘Branjelina’; now it’s ‘Trumputin’ because of Trump’s supposedly fixation with regard to Putin.

“Doing time”

American agencies are currently investigating the possibility and extent of Russian involvement in /manipulation of the elections in the United States. Many feel that Trump and his family are guilty of gross misconduct if not actual crimes and should be made to do time for this.


This and other commentators have pointed out what they indicate is slanted reporting by the publication. While Time has repeatedly shown the previous POTUS Barack Obama as likeable, dignified and generally in a positive light, Trump is portrayed as angry, divisive, egotistical and generally presented in a negative light.


This write-up by an Indian publication, asks us to calmly review the facts. The US has always engaged with Russia or the USSR in the past. The relationship between the two nations is complex and their leaders have frequently met to manage it. The reaction to the latest summit between the two leaders seems to have generated a negative reaction not because of real apprehensions, but generated by a general antipathy towards Trump himself.

The American public and the media tend to set rather too much store by the kompromat – the compromising material Russia supposedly has and is presumably holding over Trump’s head. Besides it is easy to blame a ‘foreign hand’ for all that is wrong in one’s own country. Don’t we see this closer at hand; in India as well?

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