We all love our web cams, especially when it comes to video chats and Skype video calls. But after those fun conversations, do you remember to switch off your web cam or you just let it run till you shut down your laptop? Our advice, first thing switch off your webcam and then read below, why we said so.

1. Fear of recording 
Sometimes, it also records your activities while you are sitting surfing your net. So be careful about it.
2. Weird videos
There are things that we don’t want the whole world to see and once it’s unfortunately recorded by a webcam, it can spread faster than light.
3. Censored things 
With censored I mean your private moments. Well, it’s better for those moments to stay private, huh?
4. Somebody is watching us 
The third eye is always watching, so better be careful. For that, just make sure to turn off the camera.
5. People can take disadvantage of the footage
dont trust

don’t trust

People can take advantage of your footage. Things you may have never wanted them to see. So, be really careful.
Author: Palak Bhardwaj