Why #2017WasTheYearThatIFinally Is Trending on Twitter

Certain things start to happen when we are close to the end of a calendar year. We start to look back at the year that was, and start to experience emotions such as regret for things that remained unresolved, pride or satisfaction about acquisitions or achievements… we look back reflectively and perhaps resolve to make things better in the coming year. It is this very end-of-the-year introspection that gave rise to the #2017WasTheYearThatIFinally twitter trend.


…There were plenty of tweets by Americans who still couldn’t credit the fact that an incompetent, insular, ignorant, racist, sexist, xenophobe is now sitting in the Oval Office; that the nightmare of Donald Trump being POTUS  is indeed true.

POTUS year in summary

POTUS created brand new words as he rambled on, on Twitter. He even created brand new countries that did not exist – Nambia – while he threatened and traded childish insults with the leader of a rogue nuclear nation.

Some went vegan

If vegetarians think of themselves as more evolved and ethical than meat-eaters; to be clear vegans think of themselves as vastly superior to both. Some turned vegan believing that their actions would benefit animals, the ecology… everyone basically.

Others, not so much

There were those who were mocking the vegans as well. Some started on diets, others accepted that no diet ever really works in the long term.

Some saw the light

For some #2017WasTheYearThatIFinally saw some people for what they are – self-serving, mendacious, misleading.

The random Minions post

Where there is a meme can the minion be far behind? One of the most beloved animated creations of recent times, the minion lend themselves beautifully to memes and trends of practically any sort!

Nostalgia much?

2017 was life-altering for some…. Such as this couple that was reunited with their true love after 35 years apart.

The hashtag roundup

There were hashtags of all types trending on Twitter this last year. This tweet offers a snapshot of some popular ones; including creative facial hair, new animal species and horrifying swimsuits.


It’s an incredible, huge and hugely diverse world out there. Some had this dawning realisation.


Belief in oneself is important – some realised the importance of this self belief.


While self-affirmation is important, self-acceptance and the importance of being one's own authentic self is perhaps as important.

Some celebrated their icon

Yes, yes, Taylor Swift finally came out with her new album after a significant hiatus. Fist pump! There were many who were simply delirious with joy. 

Some celebrated personal accomplishments

Finally “cooked my own food” said one tweet. Apparently this is a grand accomplishment for some… well perhaps they were really, really incompetent before?

A philosophical life lesson to share

“Make the most of every single day”. This is never bad advice… not only because we will all die one day; but also because life is so ephemeral and unpredictable and because we literally never know what is around the next corner.

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