Netflix Show Tiger King Inspires Great Reviews and Great Memes Too

Recently a friend recommended the Netflix show, Tiger King, to me. She apparently started to watch and found it so gripping that she ended up binge-watching the whole thing. The reviews of the show echo this. Needless to say, social media is abuzz with memes of the Tiger King and the many questionable characters it has.


The show is about conservationists and collectors of big cats in the United States; about how the line between the exploiter and the savior can blur.


The show is pretty extreme – especially considering this crime documentary miniseries is based on real people and occurrences. It is about the life of Joseph Allen Maldonado-Passage, aka Joe Exotic.

Joe Exotic and Carole Baskin

The main characters are Joe Exotic and Carole Baskin – the first being a collector the other being a conservationist. The evil and the lesser evil, suggests this tweet.

The decent guys?

As one of the most-watched Netflix shows, everyone seems to have an opinion on the characters in it.

Mostly awful

The show seems peopled mostly by the dregs of humanity – bar a few exceptions.

Cultural impact

The show and its extremely questionable characters are bound to have a cultural impact in times to come.

Like this

People have created parallels between the characters of the Tiger King and GoT.


The two things currently occupying mind-space of a lot of people right now: COVID-19 or the #TigerKing.


The show seems to reel viewers in and keeps them hooked as it makes them experience a range of emotions.


Some are so inspired that they did this. With everyone in quarantine, what else is there to do.

And this

It’s a cow, folks – a painted cow. How bored are those guys!


The show seems to reflect the problems of our times.

It’s complicated

There are a lot of characters and simultaneous plotlines --- it’s difficult to explain, says this tweet.

Friday night plans

Some decided to watch it separately but at the same time – so they could discuss it threadbare later I suppose?

Moment of reflection?

This tweet expresses the kind of self-awareness that Americans are not very famous for.

Saving us?

I cannot pretend I understood all of what she said in the video. However, the long and short of it seems to be that #TigerKing is likely to save us from COVID-19 – because it is successfully keeping so many indoors. 

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