Hollywood Thinks It’s Hot? Really?

“Temperatures soared past triple digits” screamed the tabloids reporting on Hollywood and its starry inhabitants. Temperatures that hover around the high 30s (above about 100 F) are too hot for the glitterati to handle so here is what they are doing these days: tweeting with the #heatwaveLA hashtag!

She’s working out

And posing, definitely posing... while looking great and doing some sort of product endorsement as well it would seem.


Actor from the Big Bang Theory Kevin Sussman put out this tweet about the hot weather. It makes no sense, but people seemed to agree with him!


Actor-singer Maureen Mccormick is apparently melting because of the heat!

The philosophical tweet?

Comedienne Erica Rhodes tweeted this about the heat – about a place where people come to fulfil their dreams – dreams that are often doomed. According to her, it's so hot in LA, everyone’s tweet starts with “it’s so hot in LA”.

Animals meanwhile…

The elephant is taking a shower and the otters seem to be having a great time too, according to this and other tweets by the LA zoo.

Good idea!

The sea, a river, lake or pool – anything sounds good right now!

Heatwave LA

That dog has the right idea. But wait! They're cribbing about 100 degrees? 100F?

Come on over!

The 51 degree high (yes Celsius, not Fahrenheit!) of Phalodi this year should put things into perspective!

There is summer and then there is summer

In other parts of the world, people long for summer. In India we dread it! With good reason!

This is what we do!

Admit it! We’ve all done this at some point! And then we feel compelled to leave because of sympathy for the next person in the line waiting outside in the sweltering heat!

It happens only in India

ACs are a luxury most people in India cannot afford. So we have to be inventive about ways to beat the heat!

Because jugaad!

It is quite amazing what our short-cut loving Indians will think up and innovate with. Necessity is after the mother of invention jugaad.

Just for the record….

…That isn’t California. Everyone in India has been using that meme for years by inserting their own city’s name there – halfway to the sun. We will continue to do this until some of that blessed rain arrives; after that our tweets and memes will be happy ones of delighted relief!

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